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high-performance ru

  • 1 high-performance file system

    automatic data processing
    • tehotiedostojärjestelmä

    English-Finnish dictionary > high-performance file system

  • 2 professional

    • ammattilainen
    • ammattimies
    • ammattimainen
    • ammattilaisurheilija
    • ammatti-ihminen
    • ammatillinen
    • ammattiurheilija
    • ammatti
    • ammattihenkilö
    • ammatinharjoittaja
    • ammatti-
    • professionaalinen
    * * *
    1) (of a profession: professional skill.) ammatti-
    2) (of a very high standard: a very professional performance.) korkeatasoinen
    3) (earning money by performing, or giving instruction, in a sport or other activity that is a pastime for other people; not amateur: a professional musician/golfer.) ammatti-

    English-Finnish dictionary > professional

  • 3 record

    • huippusaavutus
    • huippusuoritus
    • diaari
    • ennätyksellinen
    • entisyys
    • ennätys
    • ennätysmäinen
    • esittää
    • aikakirja
    • asiakirja
    • arkisto
    • ansioluettelo
    • protokolla
    • pöytäkirja
    • rekisteri
    • rekisteröidä(tietotekn)
    automatic data processing
    • rekisteröidä (ATK)
    • rekisteröidä
    automatic data processing
    • tietue(lohko)
    • tehdä merkintä
    automatic data processing
    • tietolohko
    automatic data processing
    • tietue
    automatic data processing
    • tietue(tietokannan)
    automatic data processing
    • tietojakso
    • kertoa
    • kirjaus
    • kirjoittaa
    • kirjata
    • levy
    • levyttää
    • gramofonilevy
    • gramafonilevy
    • merkitä pöytäkirjaan
    • merkitä
    • muistiinmerkitty tieto
    • merkitä muistiin
    • muistiinpanna
    • muistio
    • merkintä
    • muistiinmerkitä
    • nauhoittaa
    • memoriaalipöytäkirja
    • maine
    automatic data processing
    • tallentaa (ATK)
    automatic data processing
    • tallenne
    • tallentaa
    • tallentaa(tietotekn)
    • tallentaa rekisteröidä
    • äänittää
    • äänilevy (tek.)
    • äänilevy
    • äänilevy(tekniikka)
    • pitää pöytäkirjaa
    • kokouksen pöytäkirja
    • luetteloon
    • luetteloida
    * * *
    1. 'reko:d, -kəd, ]( American) -kərd noun
    1) (a written report of facts, events etc: historical records; I wish to keep a record of everything that is said at this meeting.) muistiinpano
    2) (a round flat piece of (usually black) plastic on which music etc is recorded: a record of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony.) äänilevy
    3) ((in races, games, or almost any activity) the best performance so far; something which has never yet been beaten: He holds the record for the 1,000 metres; The record for the high jump was broken/beaten this afternoon; He claimed to have eaten fifty sausages in a minute and asked if this was a record; ( also adjective) a record score.) ennätys
    4) (the collected facts from the past of a person, institution etc: This school has a very poor record of success in exams; He has a criminal record.) menneisyys
    2. rə'ko:d verb
    1) (to write a description of (an event, facts etc) so that they can be read in the future: The decisions will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.) kirjoittaa
    2) (to put (the sound of music, speech etc) on a record or tape so that it can be listened to in the future: I've recorded the whole concert; Don't make any noise when I'm recording.) äänittää
    3) ((of a dial, instrument etc) to show (a figure etc) as a reading: The thermometer recorded 30°C yesterday.) osoittaa
    4) (to give or show, especially in writing: to record one's vote in an election.) ilmaista
    - recording
    - record-player
    - in record time
    - off the record
    - on record

    English-Finnish dictionary > record

  • 4 standard

    • runko
    • normi
    • normaalimitta
    • norminmukainen
    • normaali
    • normaali-
    • viiri
    • vaatimustaso
    • vaatimus
    • täysiarvoinen
    • vakio-
    • vakio
    • yhteinen
    • prototyyppi
    • purje
    • pylväs
    • rahakanta
    • päämuoto
    • ratkaiseva
    • tavanomainen
    • kanta
    • klassinen
    • lippu
    • kannatin
    • mitta
    • mittapuu
    • perusmalli
    • perusmuoto
    • perustyyppi
    • mallikelpoinen
    • malli
    • mallikappale
    • standardinmukainen
    • standartti
    • standardi
    • tarkistusmitta
    • sääntö
    • taso
    automatic data processing
    • yksikkö
    • laatu
    * * *
    'stændəd 1. noun
    1) (something used as a basis of measurement: The kilogram is the international standard of weight.) mitta
    2) (a basis for judging quality, or a level of excellence aimed at, required or achieved: You can't judge an amateur artist's work by the same standards as you would judge that of a trained artist; high standards of behaviour; His performance did not reach the required standard.) taso
    3) (a flag or carved figure etc fixed to a pole and carried eg at the front of an army going into battle.) lippu
    2. adjective
    ((accepted as) normal or usual; The Post Office likes the public to use a standard size of envelope.) vakio-
    - standardise
    - standardization
    - standardisation
    - standard-bearer
    - be up to / below standard
    - standard of living

    English-Finnish dictionary > standard

См. также в других словарях:

  • High Performance FC — Nombre completo PR High Performance Soccer Academy Apodo(s) High Performance Fundación 2009 Estadio San Juan, P …   Wikipedia Español

  • high-performance — UK US adjective [before noun] ► used to describe a product that is faster, more powerful, etc. than other similar products: »Consumers are willing to spend extra for high performance computers. »high performance sports cars …   Financial and business terms

  • high-performance — high per formance adj high performance cars/computers/tyres etc cars, computers etc that are able to go faster, do more work etc than normal ones …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • high-performance — high per formance adjective designed to be very fast or powerful: high performance software/cars …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • high-performance — ADJ GRADED: ADJ n A high performance car or other product goes very fast or does a lot. ...the thrill of taking an expensive high performance car to its limits. ...high performance computers …   English dictionary

  • high performance — adj, always used before a noun : better, faster, or more efficient than others high performance cars/airplanes/boats high performance running shoes …   Useful english dictionary

  • high-performance — adjective modified to give superior performance a high performance car • Similar to: ↑superior …   Useful english dictionary

  • high-performance — adjective Having the quality of performing exceptionally well. The new high performance computer can run all the new software and games …   Wiktionary

  • high-performance — UK / US adjective designed to be very fast or powerful high performance software/cars …   English dictionary

  • High-performance computing — (HPC) uses supercomputers and computer clusters to solve advanced computing problems. Today, computer systems approaching the teraflops region are counted as HPC computers.OverviewThe term is most commonly associated with computing used for… …   Wikipedia

  • High Performance Teams — (HPTs) is a technical term referring to teams, organizations, or virtual groups that are highly focused on their goals.OverviewFirst described in detail by the Tavistock Institute, Great Britain, in the 1950s, HPTs gained popular acceptance in… …   Wikipedia

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